Authorized law

Authorized lawAuthorized law
  1. The concept - " delegated legislation " begins in UK and USA , that is institute legislation under the authorized law , " Authorized law " comes from parliament , legislation on the basis of this authority is called delegated legislation .


  2. On the Qualification of University as An Organization Authorized by Law


  3. The Government may give some of the information to other parties authorized by law to receive it .


  4. Because the lack of law , virtual property is not expressly authorized by law .


  5. Telecommunications Authority or other governmental authorities , institutions or organizations authorized by law ;


  6. It contains government , the organization authorized by law , laws , regulation and non-government public organization .


  7. However , the court has not ever proven that school as An organization authorized by law adequately in this case .


  8. One side of interest and visit agreement must be the organization which has the legal administrative power or the organization authorized by law rules .


  9. Third , to master the scientific method of management time , divided into co-ordinate law , authorized by law , multi-task Work Act .


  10. Meanwhile , some scholars have theoretically referred public university to be an organization authorized by law and regulation as well as a qualified administrative subject .


  11. A policeman ( including other officers authorized by law ) can be a witness and offer its testimony to court in the specific circumstance .


  12. Traditional administrative law confined the scope of research to the state administration . The type of administrative subject contains government and the organization authorized by law , laws , regulation .


  13. Substantive rules of general applicability adopted as authorized by law , and statements of general policy or interpretations of general applicability formulated and adopted by the agency ; and .


  14. ( b ) A sanction may not be imposed or a substantive rule or order issued except within jurisdiction delegated to the agency and as authorized by law .


  15. ( c ) Process , requirement of a report , inspection , or other investigative act or demand may not be issued , made , or enforced except as authorized by law .


  16. Civil litigation for public interest means such an action that a special national organ , relative organization or even an individual who is authorized by law bring a lawsuit against anyone who infringes upon public interest .


  17. As for the relationship between death with dignity and euthanasia , they have safeguard the dignity of life of patients , have produced a result of death in patients , have implement by a person who authorized by law .


  18. At that time , people believed that : " the government which manages lest is the best " . In legal system , they adopted " mechanical constitutionalism " that demanded any act of the government be authorized by law clearly .


  19. As the key component in basic theoretical research of Labor Law and law enforcement practice of labor security supervision department , labor security supervision system is a major means to carry regulation and adjustment of law towards labor relation authorized by law in each modern country .


  20. The accountant monitoring function is authorized by the law .


  21. A professional person authorized to practice law ; conducts lawsuits or gives legal advice .


  22. Authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students


  23. The continued existence of an abatable nuisance is not authorized under the law .


  24. The tort of false imprisonment is the affliction of bodily restraint on a person that is not authorized by the law .


  25. Consumer Rights Protection Law of PRC was implemented 10 years ago , which has offered the consumer rights authorized by the Law , and shown a further forward step on consumer protection campaign in China .


  26. Provided that if the State Council is authorized by the law to formulate and prepare the relevant provisions of the regulations , the provisions in question shall be implemented and complied with .


  27. Non pros Discretion is an option power authorized by the law and exercised by the prosecutor to determine whether to prosecute the suspect or not , relating closely to opportunism principle .


  28. The reason for a foreigner in the business is for the fact that the deceased man was a foreigner and it is not authorized by the law guiding our Bank for a citizen of this country to make such claim .


  29. Necessity to Cancel Managers ' Operation Rights Authorized by the Corporation Law


  30. Construction Quality Supervision Institution should be an Authorized Administrative Institution of Law and Regulation Progress and Development of Coal Geological Exploration Criterion & The way to build up a new type law and regulation system for coal resource geological exploration
